Title: | Infer Geographic Origin from Isotopic Data |
Description: | Routines for re-scaling isotope maps using known-origin tissue isotope data, assigning origin of unknown samples, and summarizing and assessing assignment results. Methods are adapted from Wunder (2010, in ISBN:9789048133536) and Vander Zanden, H. B. et al. (2014) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12229> as described in Ma, C. et al. (2020) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13426>. |
Authors: | Chao Ma [aut], Gabe Bowen [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Gabe Bowen <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 2.4.3 |
Built: | 2025-03-04 06:05:01 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/assignR |
Routines for rescaling isoscapes using known-origin tissue isotope data, assigning origin of unknown samples, and summarizing and assessing assignment results.
Maintainer: Gabe Bowen [email protected] Authors: Chao Ma, Gabe Bowen
Combine statistics from one or more wDist
objects in a single data frame.
## S3 method for class 'wDist' c(...)
## S3 method for class 'wDist' c(...)
... |
One or more wDist objects |
data.frame containing sample IDs, distance, and bearing statistics for each sample in ...
# load hydrogen isotope data for human hair in North America d = subOrigData(group = "Modern human", mask = naMap, niter = 100) # rescale from environmental isoscape to tissue isoscape r = calRaster(known = d, isoscape = d2h_lrNA, mask = naMap) # four unknown-origin examples id = c("A", "B", "C", "D") d2H = c(-110, -90, -105, -102) un = data.frame(id,d2H) # posterior probabilities pp = pdRaster(r, unknown = un, mask = naMap) # random collection locations sites = d$data[sample(seq(length(d$data)), 4),] # generate a wDist object wd = wDist(pp, sites) # combine stats and print c(wd)
# load hydrogen isotope data for human hair in North America d = subOrigData(group = "Modern human", mask = naMap, niter = 100) # rescale from environmental isoscape to tissue isoscape r = calRaster(known = d, isoscape = d2h_lrNA, mask = naMap) # four unknown-origin examples id = c("A", "B", "C", "D") d2H = c(-110, -90, -105, -102) un = data.frame(id,d2H) # posterior probabilities pp = pdRaster(r, unknown = un, mask = naMap) # random collection locations sites = d$data[sample(seq(length(d$data)), 4),] # generate a wDist object wd = wDist(pp, sites) # combine stats and print c(wd)
This function uses known-origin tissue data to rescale a map of environmental isotope values to a map of tissue value (and associated uncertainty) using a linear regression model.
calRaster(known, isoscape, mask = NULL, interpMethod = 2, NA.value = NA, ignore.NA = TRUE, genplot = TRUE, outDir = NULL, verboseLM = TRUE)
calRaster(known, isoscape, mask = NULL, interpMethod = 2, NA.value = NA, ignore.NA = TRUE, genplot = TRUE, outDir = NULL, verboseLM = TRUE)
known |
subOrigData or SpatVector. Known-origin tissue isotope data from the subOrigData function or provided by user. User-provided data must be formatted as a subOrigData object (see |
isoscape |
SpatRaster. Isoscape raster with two layers. The first one is the mean and the second is one standard deviation. |
mask |
SpatVector. Polygon layer that constrains the area of the output rasters. If this is not provided, the entire area of |
interpMethod |
numeric. 1 or 2. Designate one of two methods for extracting values from |
NA.value |
NA or numeric. Value representing the absence of data in |
ignore.NA |
logical. If NA values are extracted from |
genplot |
logical. Plot the results. |
outDir |
character string. Directory path to which output will be saved. If NULL no files are written. |
verboseLM |
logical. Print out the linear regression results. |
Returns an object of class “rescale”.
isoscape.rescale |
SpatRaster. |
lm.data |
data.frame. Known origin data and extracted |
lm.model |
list. Linear regression model. |
# load hydrogen isotope data for human hair in North America d = subOrigData(group = "Modern human", mask = naMap, niter = 100, genplot = FALSE) # rescale from environmental isoscape to tissue isoscape r = calRaster(d, d2h_lrNA, naMap)
# load hydrogen isotope data for human hair in North America d = subOrigData(group = "Modern human", mask = naMap, niter = 100, genplot = FALSE) # rescale from environmental isoscape to tissue isoscape r = calRaster(d, d2h_lrNA, naMap)
Interpolated growing season precipitation H isoscape from waterisotopes.org.
SpatRaster with two layers. The first layer is the mean prediction and the second is 1 standard deviation
Bowen, G. J. (2018) Gridded maps of the isotopic composition of meteoric waters. http://www.waterisotopes.org.
Bowen, G. J., Wassenaar, L. I. and Hobson, K. A. (2005) Global application of stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes to wildlife forensics. Oecologia, 143, 337–348.
IAEA/WMO (2018) Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation. The GNIP Database. https://nucleus.iaea.org/wiser.
library(terra) plot(d2h_lrNA)
library(terra) plot(d2h_lrNA)
This function retrieves gridded isotope maps from waterisotopes.org, unpacks the zip archives, and bundles the map layers as a RasterStack.
getIsoscapes(isoType = "GlobalPrecipGS", timeout = 1200)
getIsoscapes(isoType = "GlobalPrecipGS", timeout = 1200)
isoType |
character string indicating which isoscapes are requested: see 'Details'. |
timeout |
integer. Maximum allowed file download time, in seconds. Some isoscape archives exceed 2 GB in size and may require long download times on slow connections. This option may not work on all system configurations. |
Accepted isoType
values are:
Global growing-season precipitation H and O isotope values
Global mean-annual precipitation H and O isotope values
Global monthly precipitation H and O isotope values
Global mean-annual and monthly precipitation H and O isotope values
High-resolution contiguous USA mean-annual precipitation H and O isotope values
High-resolution contiguous USA monthly precipitation H and O isotope values
High-resolution contiguous USA mean-annual and monthly precipitation H and O isotope values
High-resolution contiguous USA surface water H and O isotope values
High-resolution contiguous USA surface water H and O isotope values
Contiguous USA groundwater H and O isotope values in 7 depth intervals
High-resolution bioavailable Sr isotope ratios for the global land surface
High-resolution contiguous USA Sr isotope ratios
High-resolution Sr isotope ratios for the circum-Caribbean region
RasterStack containing the requested isoscape layers.
## Not run: iso = getIsoscapes("CaribSr") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: iso = getIsoscapes("CaribSr") ## End(Not run)
Combine multiple isoscapes into a single data object, including optional reconciliation of raster properties.
isoStack(..., clean = TRUE)
isoStack(..., clean = TRUE)
... |
Two or more SpatRaster isoscapes, each with two layers, or |
clean |
logical. Reconcile differences in raster properties within |
If clean
= TRUE all raster layers are projected to the projection of the first object in ...
and then resampled to the highest spatial resolution and smallest common spatial extent within ...
. Finally, cells containing NA in any layer within ...
are masked across all layers.
If clean
= FALSE any differences in raster properties between isoscapes will produce an error.
Returns an object of class “isoStack”, a list containing the isoscapes objects in ...
after any cleaning.
#stack H and Sr isoscapes h_s = isoStack(d2h_lrNA, sr_MI)
#stack H and Sr isoscapes h_s = isoStack(d2h_lrNA, sr_MI)
Joint probability for individuals of common origin (product of probabilities)
pdR |
SpatRaster of probability density maps, e.g., as produced by |
# load hydrogen isotope data for human hair in North America d = subOrigData(group = "Modern human", mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE) # rescale from environmental isoscape to tissue isoscape r = calRaster(d, d2h_lrNA, naMap, genplot = FALSE) # four unknown-origin examples id = c("A", "B", "C", "D") d2H = c(-110, -90, -105, -102) un = data.frame(id, d2H) # posterior probabilities pp = pdRaster(r, un, mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE) # joint probability for individuals of common origin jointP(pp)
# load hydrogen isotope data for human hair in North America d = subOrigData(group = "Modern human", mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE) # rescale from environmental isoscape to tissue isoscape r = calRaster(d, d2h_lrNA, naMap, genplot = FALSE) # four unknown-origin examples id = c("A", "B", "C", "D") d2H = c(-110, -90, -105, -102) un = data.frame(id, d2H) # posterior probabilities pp = pdRaster(r, un, mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE) # joint probability for individuals of common origin jointP(pp)
This dataset consists of hydrogen and oxygen isotope values and metadata for human hair, insect wings, and bird feathers of known geographic origin.
SpatVector with 5 fields. WGS84 unprojected geometry.
Site_ID: Unique ID
Site_name: Site name or descriptor
State: State or province of collection site, where recorded
Country: Country of collection site, where recorded
Site_comments: Site comments
data.frame with 15 fields.
Sample_ID: Unique ID
Sample_ID_orig: ID used in original data report
Site_ID: ID for sample collection site
Dataset_ID: ID for dataset from which sample is derived
Taxon: Genus and species name
Group: Biological group (informal)
Source_quality: Code indicating level of certainty in geographic origin
Age_class: Code for age of individual
Material_type: Tissue sampled, e.g., “Hair”
Matrix: Compound measured, e.g., “Keratin”
d2H: Hydrogen isotope value (permil)
d2H.sd: Reported analytical uncertainty for hydrogen isotope value (permil)
d18O: Oxygen isotope value (permil)
d18O.sd: Reported analytical uncertainty for oxygen isotope value (permil)
Sample_comments: Sample comments
data.frame with 17 fields.
Dataset_ID: Unique ID
Dataset_name: Short name or descriptor
Citation: Bibliographic citation for study
Sampling_method: How material was subsampled for analysis, if reported
Sample_powdered: Was sample powdered prior to analysis (Y/N/NA)?
Lipid_extraction: Were lipids chemically extracted prior to analysis (Y/N/NA)?
Lipid_extraction_method: Solvent used to extract lipids
Exchange: Was a correction for exchangeable H made (Y/N/NA)?
Exchange_method: Method used to correct for exchangeable H
Exchange_T: Was H exchange carried out at ambient or high temperature (Ambient/High/NA)?
H_cal: Reference scale used to calibrate H isotope data, see stds
object hstds
O_cal: Reference scale used to calibrate O isotope data, see stds
object ostds
Std_powdered: Were calibration standards powdered (Y/N/NA)?
Drying: Did the study document how samples were fully dried and transferred dry to instrument (Y/N/NA)?
Analysis_method: Instrument configuration used for analysis
Analysis_type: What elements were analyzed for stable isotope ratios (H/O/H_O)?
Source_comments: Data source comments
library(terra) class(knownOrig$sites) class(knownOrig$samples); class(knownOrig$sources) summary(knownOrig$samples) print(knownOrig$sources[, 1:2]) plot(wrld_simpl, border = "grey") points(knownOrig$sites)
library(terra) class(knownOrig$sites) class(knownOrig$samples); class(knownOrig$sources) summary(knownOrig$samples) print(knownOrig$sources[, 1:2]) plot(wrld_simpl, border = "grey") points(knownOrig$sites)
Simplified spatial polygon layer representing the boundary of North America.
library(terra) plot(naMap)
library(terra) plot(naMap)
Calculate ratio of odds for two locations (points or polygons)
oddsRatio(pdR, inputP)
oddsRatio(pdR, inputP)
pdR |
SpatRaster of probability density maps, e.g., as produced by |
inputP |
SpatVector points object of length 1 or 2 or polygons object of length 2 |
library(terra) # load hydrogen isotope data for human hair in North America d = subOrigData(group = "Modern human", mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE) # rescale from environmental isoscape to tissue isoscape r = calRaster(d, d2h_lrNA, naMap, genplot = FALSE) # four unknown-origin examples id = c("A", "B", "C", "D") d2H = c(-110, -90, -105, -102) un = data.frame(id, d2H) # posterior probabilities pp = pdRaster(r, un, mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE) # SpatialPolygons for two regions of interest s1 = states[states$STATE_ABBR == "UT",] s2 = states[states$STATE_ABBR == "NM",] plot(naMap) plot(s1, border = "red", add = TRUE) plot(s2, border = "blue", add = TRUE) # Get odds ratio for two regions using SpatialPolygon method s12 = rbind(s1, s2) oddsRatio(pp, s12) # Create SpatialPoints for two points of interest p1 = c(-112, 40) p2 = c(-105, 33) p12 = vect(rbind(p1, p2), crs = "WGS84") points(p12, pch = 21, bg = "light blue") # Get odds ratio for two points using SpatialPoints method oddsRatio(pp, p12)
library(terra) # load hydrogen isotope data for human hair in North America d = subOrigData(group = "Modern human", mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE) # rescale from environmental isoscape to tissue isoscape r = calRaster(d, d2h_lrNA, naMap, genplot = FALSE) # four unknown-origin examples id = c("A", "B", "C", "D") d2H = c(-110, -90, -105, -102) un = data.frame(id, d2H) # posterior probabilities pp = pdRaster(r, un, mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE) # SpatialPolygons for two regions of interest s1 = states[states$STATE_ABBR == "UT",] s2 = states[states$STATE_ABBR == "NM",] plot(naMap) plot(s1, border = "red", add = TRUE) plot(s2, border = "blue", add = TRUE) # Get odds ratio for two regions using SpatialPolygon method s12 = rbind(s1, s2) oddsRatio(pp, s12) # Create SpatialPoints for two points of interest p1 = c(-112, 40) p2 = c(-105, 33) p12 = vect(rbind(p1, p2), crs = "WGS84") points(p12, pch = 21, bg = "light blue") # Get odds ratio for two points using SpatialPoints method oddsRatio(pp, p12)
Calculate posterior probabilities of origin for a sample based on its isotope ratio.
pdRaster(r, unknown, prior = NULL, mask = NULL, genplot = TRUE, outDir = NULL)
pdRaster(r, unknown, prior = NULL, mask = NULL, genplot = TRUE, outDir = NULL)
r |
SpatRaster with two layers, |
unknown |
data.frame, |
prior |
SpatRaster. Optional raster layer with prior probabilities, which has the same projection, resolution and extent as |
mask |
SpatVector. This polygon mask will constrain the assignment area. If this is not provided, a default of mask of the extent of |
genplot |
logical. Plot results in R. |
outDir |
character string. Directory path to which output will be saved. If NULL no files are written. |
If more than one isotope marker is to be used for multivariate assignment, r
must be an isoStack
object and the number of isoscapes in that object must be equal to the number of isotope-value columns or refTrans
objects included in unknown
. Isoscapes and unknown sample values will be matched based on order, so it is critical that the values appear in the same order in these two input objects.
SpatRaster including a probability density surface for each individual in unknown
. If outDir
is not NULL, writes individual rasters in GeoTIFF format and a single PDF file with images for each probability density raster to the designated directory.
# load hydrogen isotope data for human hair in North America d = subOrigData(group = "Modern human", mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE) # rescale from environmental isoscape to tissue isoscape r = calRaster(d, d2h_lrNA, naMap, genplot = FALSE) # sample to assign id = "smile" d2H = -80 un = data.frame(id, d2H) # posterior probability surface pp = pdRaster(r, un, mask = naMap)
# load hydrogen isotope data for human hair in North America d = subOrigData(group = "Modern human", mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE) # rescale from environmental isoscape to tissue isoscape r = calRaster(d, d2h_lrNA, naMap, genplot = FALSE) # sample to assign id = "smile" d2H = -80 un = data.frame(id, d2H) # posterior probability surface pp = pdRaster(r, un, mask = naMap)
Plot the output from isoStack
## S3 method for class 'isoStack' plot(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'isoStack' plot(x, ...)
x |
An isoStack object |
... |
Other arguments to be passed to plot |
#stack H and Sr isoscapes h_s = isoStack(d2h_lrNA, sr_MI) #plot isoStack plot(h_s)
#stack H and Sr isoscapes h_s = isoStack(d2h_lrNA, sr_MI) #plot isoStack plot(h_s)
Plot the output from QA
, including spatial precision, bias, sensitivity and odds ratio of known locations for validation samples.
## S3 method for class 'QA' plot(x, ..., outDir = NULL)
## S3 method for class 'QA' plot(x, ..., outDir = NULL)
x |
One or more QA objects |
... |
Other arguments to be passed to plot |
outDir |
character string. Directory path to which output will be saved. If NULL no files are written. |
Ma, C. et al. (2020) assignR : An R package for isotope-based geographic assignment. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11 996–1001. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13426.
Vander Zanden, H. B. et al. (2014) Contrasting assignment of migratory organisms to geographic origins using long-term versus year-specific precipitation isotope maps. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5 891–900. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12229
# extract some known-origin data d1 = subOrigData(taxon = "Buteo lagopus") # run quality assessment based on precipitation hydrogen isotopes and # known-origin samples; small values of valiStation and valiTime # are used in example to reduce run time # first with one example # gives warning because a small number of samples are available qa1 = QA(isoscape = d2h_lrNA, known = d1, valiStation = 1, valiTime = 2, by = 10, mask = naMap, name = "Buteo") # plot the qa result plot(qa1) # now compare with a second data set d2 = subOrigData(taxon = "Charadrius montanus") qa2 = QA(isoscape = d2h_lrNA, known = d2, valiStation = 1, valiTime = 2, by = 10, mask = naMap, name = "Charadrius") plot(qa1, qa2)
# extract some known-origin data d1 = subOrigData(taxon = "Buteo lagopus") # run quality assessment based on precipitation hydrogen isotopes and # known-origin samples; small values of valiStation and valiTime # are used in example to reduce run time # first with one example # gives warning because a small number of samples are available qa1 = QA(isoscape = d2h_lrNA, known = d1, valiStation = 1, valiTime = 2, by = 10, mask = naMap, name = "Buteo") # plot the qa result plot(qa1) # now compare with a second data set d2 = subOrigData(taxon = "Charadrius montanus") qa2 = QA(isoscape = d2h_lrNA, known = d2, valiStation = 1, valiTime = 2, by = 10, mask = naMap, name = "Charadrius") plot(qa1, qa2)
Plot the output from wDist
, including weighted kernel density distributions for distance and bearing of travel.
## S3 method for class 'wDist' plot(x, ..., bin = 20, pty = "both", index = c(1:5))
## S3 method for class 'wDist' plot(x, ..., bin = 20, pty = "both", index = c(1:5))
x |
A wDist object |
... |
Other arguments to be passed to plot |
bin |
numeric. Bin width used to generate rose plot of travel bearings, in degrees. Must be a factor of 360. |
pty |
character. Type of plot to produce. Must be one of “dist”, “bear”, or “both”. |
index |
numeric. Which items in x to plot? Numeric vector of up to 5 integers. Values in excess of 5 or exceeding the length of x will be ignored. |
For the default pty
, two plot panels will be printed to the active graphical device showing the distance and bearing distributions for (up to) the first five samples in wd
. If more than five items exist in wd
, those beyond the fifth will be ignored and a message returned.
# load hydrogen isotope data for human hair in North America d = subOrigData(group = "Modern human", mask = naMap, niter = 100) # rescale from environmental isoscape to tissue isoscape r = calRaster(known = d, isoscape = d2h_lrNA, mask = naMap) # four unknown-origin examples id = c("A", "B", "C", "D") d2H = c(-110, -90, -105, -102) un = data.frame(id,d2H) # posterior probabilities pp = pdRaster(r, unknown = un, mask = naMap) # random collection locations sites = d$data[sample(seq(length(d$data)), 4),] # generate a wDist object wd = wDist(pp, sites) # plot distributions plot(wd) # plot bearing distriubtion for sample B with a finer bin size plot(wd, bin = 5, pty = "bear", index = 2)
# load hydrogen isotope data for human hair in North America d = subOrigData(group = "Modern human", mask = naMap, niter = 100) # rescale from environmental isoscape to tissue isoscape r = calRaster(known = d, isoscape = d2h_lrNA, mask = naMap) # four unknown-origin examples id = c("A", "B", "C", "D") d2H = c(-110, -90, -105, -102) un = data.frame(id,d2H) # posterior probabilities pp = pdRaster(r, unknown = un, mask = naMap) # random collection locations sites = d$data[sample(seq(length(d$data)), 4),] # generate a wDist object wd = wDist(pp, sites) # plot distributions plot(wd) # plot bearing distriubtion for sample B with a finer bin size plot(wd, bin = 5, pty = "bear", index = 2)
How well does a given isoscape and/or known origin data set constrain the geographic origin of samples? Uses iterative re-sampling of known origin data to evaluate sample assignments and reports a suite of quality metrics.
QA(known, isoscape, bySite = TRUE, valiStation = 1, valiTime = 50, recal = TRUE, by = 2, prior = NULL, mask = NULL, setSeed = TRUE, name = NULL)
QA(known, isoscape, bySite = TRUE, valiStation = 1, valiTime = 50, recal = TRUE, by = 2, prior = NULL, mask = NULL, setSeed = TRUE, name = NULL)
known |
subOrigData, list of subOrigData, or SpatVector. Known-origin tissue isotope data from the |
isoscape |
SpatRaster with two layers or |
bySite |
logical. Resample known by site (TRUE) or by sample (FALSE)? |
valiStation |
numeric. How many sites or samples from known are withheld for validation? Must be two or more smaller than the length of |
valiTime |
numeric. How many times do you want to randomly draw validation samples and run the validation? Must be an integer greater than one. |
recal |
logical. Recalibrate the isoscape(s) using the known-origin data? If FALSE, |
by |
integer. Threshold increment to use in evaluating assignment performance. Must be between 1 and 25. |
prior |
SpatRaster. Optional layer with prior probabilities, which has the same projection, resolution and extent as |
mask |
SpatVector. Constrains the area of the analysis. If this is not provided, the entire area of |
setSeed |
logical. Do you want to |
name |
character. Useful for identifying the QA output in subsequent plotting. |
If known
is a user-provided SpatVector, the first data field must include the measured value for the first (or only) isotope marker and the second the one standard deviation uncertainty on that value. Subsequent fields must include the same information for all other isotope markers included in the analysis, and these markers must appear in the same order as in isoscape
. A user-provided SpatVector must include a field named “Site_ID” containing unique values for each sampling site to support the “bySite” option, otherwise use bySite = FALSE
Returns an object of class “QA”.
val_stations |
numeric. An X*Y data.frame of validation station IDs for all valiTime. X = |
pd_val |
numeric. An X*Y data.frame containing the posterior probability density for the validation stations. X = |
prption_byArea |
numeric. An X*Y data.frame showing the proportion of validation individuals for which the known origin is contained within the top 0.00 to 1.00 area quantile (with increment of |
prption_byProb |
numeric. An X*Y data.frame showing the proportion of validation individuals for which the known origin is contained within the top 0.00 to 1.00 probability quantile (with increment of |
precision |
list. The length of the list is |
random_prob_density |
Random probability of assignment to any given grid cell on the assignment surface(i.e. 1 divided by the total number of grid cells). |
name |
character. Name assigned to the QA object. |
by |
integer. Value of by used. |
See Ma et al. (2020) for methodological details.
Ma, C. et al. (2020) assignR : An R package for isotope-based geographic assignment. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11 996–1001. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13426.
Vander Zanden, H. B. et al. (2014) Contrasting assignment of migratory organisms to geographic origins using long-term versus year-specific precipitation isotope maps. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5 891–900. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12229
# extract some known-origin data d1 = subOrigData(taxon = "Buteo lagopus") # run quality assessment based on precipitation hydrogen isotopes and # known-origin samples; small values of valiStation and valiTime # are used in example to reduce run time # first with one example # gives warning because a small number of samples are available qa1 = QA(known = d1, isoscape = d2h_lrNA, valiTime = 2, by = 10, mask = naMap, name = "Buteo") # plot the qa result plot(qa1) # now compare with a second data set d2 = subOrigData(taxon = "Charadrius montanus") qa2 = QA(known = d2, isoscape = d2h_lrNA, valiTime = 2, by = 10, mask = naMap, name = "Charadrius") plot(qa1, qa2)
# extract some known-origin data d1 = subOrigData(taxon = "Buteo lagopus") # run quality assessment based on precipitation hydrogen isotopes and # known-origin samples; small values of valiStation and valiTime # are used in example to reduce run time # first with one example # gives warning because a small number of samples are available qa1 = QA(known = d1, isoscape = d2h_lrNA, valiTime = 2, by = 10, mask = naMap, name = "Buteo") # plot the qa result plot(qa1) # now compare with a second data set d2 = subOrigData(taxon = "Charadrius montanus") qa2 = QA(known = d2, isoscape = d2h_lrNA, valiTime = 2, by = 10, mask = naMap, name = "Charadrius") plot(qa1, qa2)
Selects the grid cells of probability density rasters with the highest probability and returns rasters with these cell values set to 1. Cells are selected based on the user-specified quantile threshold so that the most-probable cells representing a given fraction of the assignment area or posterior probability are returned.
qtlRaster(pdR, threshold, thresholdType = "area", genplot = TRUE, outDir = NULL)
qtlRaster(pdR, threshold, thresholdType = "area", genplot = TRUE, outDir = NULL)
pdR |
SpatRaster. Probability density maps for individual samples, e.g., as output by |
threshold |
numeric from 0 to 1. Quantile to be selected. |
thresholdType |
character. Either “area” (default) or “prob”. If “area”, the most probable cells constituting |
genplot |
logical.Plot results in R. |
outDir |
character string. Directory path to which output will be saved. If NULL no files are written. |
SpatRaster including a binary assignment surface for each individual in pdR
. If outDir
is not NULL, writes individual rasters in GeoTIFF format and a single PDF file with images for each raster to the designated directory.
library(terra) # load hydrogen isotope data for human hair in North America d = subOrigData(group = "Modern human", mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE) # rescale from environmental isoscape to tissue isoscape r = calRaster(d, d2h_lrNA, naMap, genplot = FALSE) # four unknown-origin examples id = c("A", "B", "C", "D") d2H = c(-110, -90, -105, -102) un = data.frame(id, d2H) # posterior probabilities pp = pdRaster(r, un, mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE) # assign to most probable 10 percent of area ## Not run: qtlRaster(pp, threshold = 0.1) # assign to most probable 10 percent of proabability distribution qtlRaster(pp, threshold = 0.1, thresholdType = "prob")
library(terra) # load hydrogen isotope data for human hair in North America d = subOrigData(group = "Modern human", mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE) # rescale from environmental isoscape to tissue isoscape r = calRaster(d, d2h_lrNA, naMap, genplot = FALSE) # four unknown-origin examples id = c("A", "B", "C", "D") d2H = c(-110, -90, -105, -102) un = data.frame(id, d2H) # posterior probabilities pp = pdRaster(r, un, mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE) # assign to most probable 10 percent of area ## Not run: qtlRaster(pp, threshold = 0.1) # assign to most probable 10 percent of proabability distribution qtlRaster(pp, threshold = 0.1, thresholdType = "prob")
This function conducts transformations to convert isotope measurements between reference scales.
refTrans(samples, marker = "d2H", ref_scale = "VSMOW_H", niter = 5000)
refTrans(samples, marker = "d2H", ref_scale = "VSMOW_H", niter = 5000)
samples |
data.frame. Must include a field with data to be transformed, analytical reproducibility of sample data (1 standard deviation), and original reference scale for calibration of data. These fields must be named marker, marker.sd, and marker_cal, respectively, where marker is “d2H” or “d18O”. Values for the cal field should correspond to Calibration codes found in |
marker |
character string. Column name for isotopic data to be extracted, either “d2H” or “d18O”. |
ref_scale |
character string. Text identifier for reference scale to which all isotope values will be transformed. See |
niter |
integer. Number of random samples used to propagate uncertainty in calibration hierarchy transformations. |
Returns an object of class “refTrans”.
data |
data.frame. Formatted identically to input object samples, with values for the data and data uncertainty fields replaced with transformed values. |
chains |
list. Each item is a character string vector containing the hierarchy of calibrations used in the transformation for a set of selected samples. See |
Magozzi, S. et al. (in press) Calibration chain transformation to improve the comparability of organic hydrogen and oxygen isotope data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution
# Some fake sample data s = data.frame("d2H" = seq(-100, -10, by=10), "d2H.sd" = rep(2), "d2H_cal" = rep("OldUT_H_1")) # Transform to VSMOW-SLAP scale using default arguments d1 = refTrans(s) # Transformed values d1$data$d2H # error - target scale not valid for marker ## Not run: d2 = refTrans(s, ref_scale = "VSMOW_O")
# Some fake sample data s = data.frame("d2H" = seq(-100, -10, by=10), "d2H.sd" = rep(2), "d2H_cal" = rep("OldUT_H_1")) # Transform to VSMOW-SLAP scale using default arguments d1 = refTrans(s) # Transformed values d1$data$d2H # error - target scale not valid for marker ## Not run: d2 = refTrans(s, ref_scale = "VSMOW_O")
Modeled 87Sr/86Sr value of the local rock weathering flux, obtained from waterisotopes.org and aggregated to 10 km resolution.
SpatRaster with two layers. The first layer is the mean prediction and the second is 1 standard deviation (here estimated as 1 percent of the modeled mean)
Bataille, C. P. and Bowen, G. J. (2012) Mapping 87Sr/86Sr variations in bedrock and water for large scale provenance studies. Chemical Geology, 304–305, 39–52.
library(terra) plot(sr_MI)
library(terra) plot(sr_MI)
Outline map of the of lower 48 U.S. states.
library(terra) plot(states)
library(terra) plot(states)
This data object contains information on keratin H and O isotope standard materials and calibrations used across multiple laboratories since the year 2000.
data.frame with 18 fields.
Calibration: Calibration code
High_ID: Identifier for high-value standard
High_material: Description of high-value standard material
High: Mean hydrogen isotope value of high-value standard
High_sd: Standard deviation of calibration data for high-value standard
High_n: Number of calibration data for high-value standard
High_se: Standard error of the calibrated mean for high-value standard
Low_ID: Identifier for low-value standard
Low_material: Description of low-value standard material
Low: Mean hydrogen isotope value of low-value standard
Low_sd: Standard deviation of calibration data for low-value standard
Low_n: Number of calibration data for low-value standard
Low_se: Standard error of the calibrated mean for low-value standard
Ref_scale: Calibration scale against which the values for this calibration are anchored
Citation_val: Source for the calibrated values
Citation_cal: Source for the methodology used for this calibration
Treatment: Description of calibration procedure
H_calibration_comments: Comments
data.frame with 18 fields.
Calibration: Calibration code
High_ID: Identifier for high-value standard
High_material: Description of high-value standard material
High: Mean oxygen isotope value of high-value standard
High_sd: Standard deviation of calibration data for high-value standard
High_n: Number of calibration data for high-value standard
High_se: Standard error of the calibrated mean for high-value standard
Low_ID: Identifier for low-value standard
Low_material: Description of low-value standard material
Low: Mean oxygen isotope value of low-value standard
Low_sd: Standard deviation of calibration data for low-value standard
Low_n: Number of calibration data for low-value standard
Low_se: Standard error of the calibrated mean for low-value standard
Ref_scale: Calibration scale against which the values for this calibration are anchored
Citation_val: Source for the calibrated values
Citation_cal: Source for the methodology used for this calibration
Treatment: Description of calibration procedure
O_calibration_comments: Comments
matrix. n x n symmetric, where n is the number of calibrations represented here and in stds$hstds
matrix. n x n symmetric, where n is the number of calibrations represented here and in stds$ostds
Magozzi, S. et al. (in press) Calibration chain transformation to improve the comparability of organic hydrogen and oxygen isotope data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution
library(graphics) data("stds") print(stds$hstds[, 1:5]) print(stds$ostds[, 1:5]) image(stds$ham) image(stds$oam)
library(graphics) data("stds") print(stds$hstds[, 1:5]) print(stds$ostds[, 1:5]) image(stds$ham) image(stds$oam)
This function subsets the known-origin isotope dataset included in this package and conducts optional transformations to convert isotope measurements to a common reference scale.
subOrigData(marker = "d2H", taxon = NULL, group = NULL, dataset = NULL, age_code = NULL, mask = NULL, ref_scale = "VSMOW_H", niter = 5000, genplot = TRUE)
subOrigData(marker = "d2H", taxon = NULL, group = NULL, dataset = NULL, age_code = NULL, mask = NULL, ref_scale = "VSMOW_H", niter = 5000, genplot = TRUE)
marker |
character string. Column name for isotopic data to be extracted, either “d2H” or “d18O”. |
taxon |
character string or string vector. Species name(s) for data to be extracted. |
group |
character string or string vector. Taxonomic groups for data to be extracted. |
dataset |
integer or integer vector. Dataset_ID(s) for data to be extracted. See |
age_code |
character string or string vector. Animal age code for data to be extracted. |
mask |
SpatVector. Polygon layer used to constrain the geographic area from which data are extracted. If not provided, global. |
ref_scale |
character string. Text identifier for reference scale to which all isotope values will be transformed. See |
niter |
integer. Number of random samples used to propagate uncertainty in calibration hierarchy transformations. |
genplot |
logical. Plot results in R. |
Returns an object of class “subOrigData”, formatted for use in calRaster
or QA
data |
SpatVector including one point feature for each selected sample. Data fields are described in |
sources |
data.frame. Information for all data sources for the selected samples. Fields are described in |
chains |
list. Each item is a character string vector containing the hierarchy of calibrations used in the transformation for a set of selected samples. See |
marker |
character string. The isotopic marker specified in the call to |
Magozzi, S. et al. (in press) Calibration chain transformation to improve the comparability of organic hydrogen and oxygen isotope data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution
## WITHOUT mask # extract d2H data for Jackdaw, Partridge and Willow Grouse, transformed # to the VSMOW/SLAP H reference scale by default d1 = subOrigData(taxon = c("Danaus plexippus", "Setophaga ruticilla", "Turdus migratorius"), niter = 100) summary(d1) # extract d2H data for insects and passerine birds without transformation d2 = subOrigData(group = c("Insect","Passerine"), ref_scale = NULL, genplot = FALSE) summary(d2) # extract d18O data for all humans, transformed to the VSMOW/SLAP O reference scale d3 = subOrigData(marker = "d18O", group = c("Modern human", "Indigenous human"), ref_scale = "VSMOW_O", niter = 100, genplot = FALSE) summary(d3) # extract d2H data for humans using taxon, transformed to the VSMOW/SLAP H reference scale d4 = subOrigData(marker = "d2H", taxon = "Homo sapiens", ref_scale = "VSMOW_H", niter = 100, genplot = FALSE) summary(d4) ## WITH mask # error - no samples found ## Not run: d5 = subOrigData(taxon = "Turdus philomelos", mask = naMap) # this works OK d6 = subOrigData(taxon = c("Danaus plexippus", "Setophaga ruticilla", "Turdus migratorius"), mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE)
## WITHOUT mask # extract d2H data for Jackdaw, Partridge and Willow Grouse, transformed # to the VSMOW/SLAP H reference scale by default d1 = subOrigData(taxon = c("Danaus plexippus", "Setophaga ruticilla", "Turdus migratorius"), niter = 100) summary(d1) # extract d2H data for insects and passerine birds without transformation d2 = subOrigData(group = c("Insect","Passerine"), ref_scale = NULL, genplot = FALSE) summary(d2) # extract d18O data for all humans, transformed to the VSMOW/SLAP O reference scale d3 = subOrigData(marker = "d18O", group = c("Modern human", "Indigenous human"), ref_scale = "VSMOW_O", niter = 100, genplot = FALSE) summary(d3) # extract d2H data for humans using taxon, transformed to the VSMOW/SLAP H reference scale d4 = subOrigData(marker = "d2H", taxon = "Homo sapiens", ref_scale = "VSMOW_H", niter = 100, genplot = FALSE) summary(d4) ## WITH mask # error - no samples found ## Not run: d5 = subOrigData(taxon = "Turdus philomelos", mask = naMap) # this works OK d6 = subOrigData(taxon = c("Danaus plexippus", "Setophaga ruticilla", "Turdus migratorius"), mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE)
Probabilities that at least one individual came from each location in the assignment area (union of probabilities)
pdR |
SpatRaster of probability density maps, e.g., as produced by |
# load hydrogen isotope data for human hair in North America d = subOrigData(group = "Modern human", mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE) # rescale from environmental isoscape to tissue isoscape r = calRaster(d, d2h_lrNA, naMap, genplot = FALSE) # four unknown-origin examples id = c("A", "B", "C", "D") d2H = c(-110, -90, -105, -102) un = data.frame(id, d2H) # posterior probabilities pp = pdRaster(r, un, mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE) # probability that one or more individuals are from a given location unionP(pp)
# load hydrogen isotope data for human hair in North America d = subOrigData(group = "Modern human", mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE) # rescale from environmental isoscape to tissue isoscape r = calRaster(d, d2h_lrNA, naMap, genplot = FALSE) # four unknown-origin examples id = c("A", "B", "C", "D") d2H = c(-110, -90, -105, -102) un = data.frame(id, d2H) # posterior probabilities pp = pdRaster(r, un, mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE) # probability that one or more individuals are from a given location unionP(pp)
Calculate the distance and bearing of migration for one or more samples, weighted by probabilities from a pdRaster
wDist(pdR, sites, maxpts = 1e5, bw = "sj")
wDist(pdR, sites, maxpts = 1e5, bw = "sj")
pdR |
SpatRaster of n probability density maps, e.g., as produced by |
sites |
SpatVector object containing the collection locations for the n samples represented in |
maxpts |
numeric. Maximum number of grid cells at which to calculate bearing and distance. |
bw |
character or numeric. Smoothing bandwidth to be used in kernel density estimation. See bandwidth. |
and sites
must be of equal length and corresponding order, or if length(sites) == 1 & nlyr(pdR) > 1
then the location in sites is recycled with a message. Names in the output object are taken from the names of the layers in pdR
Distances and bearings are calculated on the WGS84 geoid using functions from the terra and geosphere package. These calculations can take a long time for large rasters. If maxpts
is less than the number of grid cells in each pdR
layer, calculations are carried out for maxpts
randomly selected cells.
Bearing values correspond to the initial bearing from source to collection location, and are reported on a scale of -180 to +180 degrees. The statistical metrics are rectified so that values for distributions spanning due south are reported correctly. Both weighted bearing and distance distributions are often multimodal, and it is recommended to review the distribution densities to assess the representativeness of the statistics (e.g., using plot.wDist
When algorithmic bandwidth selection is used weights are ignored for this step and warnings to this effect are suppressed.
Returns an object of class “wDist”, a list of length n. Each item contains three named objects:
stats |
named number. Statistics for the distance (dist, meters) and bearing (bear, degrees) between source and collection locations, including the weighted mean (wMean) and quantile (wXX) values. |
d.dens |
density. Weighted kernel density for the distance between source and collection locations (meters). See |
b.dens |
density. Weighted kernel density for the bearing between source and collection locations (degrees). See |
# load hydrogen isotope data for human hair in North America d = subOrigData(group = "Modern human", mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE) # rescale from environmental isoscape to tissue isoscape r = calRaster(d, d2h_lrNA, naMap, genplot = FALSE) # four unknown-origin examples id = c("A", "B", "C", "D") d2H = c(-110, -90, -105, -102) un = data.frame(id, d2H) # posterior probabilities pp = pdRaster(r, un, mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE) # random collection locations sites = d$data[sample(seq(length(d$data)), 4),] # generate a wDist object wd = wDist(pp, sites) # structure of the wDist object str(wd, 2)
# load hydrogen isotope data for human hair in North America d = subOrigData(group = "Modern human", mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE) # rescale from environmental isoscape to tissue isoscape r = calRaster(d, d2h_lrNA, naMap, genplot = FALSE) # four unknown-origin examples id = c("A", "B", "C", "D") d2H = c(-110, -90, -105, -102) un = data.frame(id, d2H) # posterior probabilities pp = pdRaster(r, un, mask = naMap, genplot = FALSE) # random collection locations sites = d$data[sample(seq(length(d$data)), 4),] # generate a wDist object wd = wDist(pp, sites) # structure of the wDist object str(wd, 2)
Simplified spatial polygon layer representing the boundary of global continents.
library(terra) plot(wrld_simpl)
library(terra) plot(wrld_simpl)